High temperature adhesive
High temperature adhesives
Product Category:
High temperature adhesive
2013-03-10 13:39:34
Product details


     The high temperature binder, and the refractory filler material, a carrier fluid, a dispersing agent, an inorganic binding agent is formulated as an inorganic binder. This adhesive is bonded to the surface to form a good chemical binding force, firmly bonded, and having excellent heat resistance. The binder viscosity under construction in different ways, may at any time be adjusted to meet the construction requirements of the lining. Room temperature adhesives can be achieved by the strength of the construction requirements.

     Paste fiber products and fiber products
     Paste fiber products, refractory brick wall (or refractory concrete wall)
     Fiber products and the furnace shell steel surface paste

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Address:Wang Village Vanguard, Shandong Zhoucun Zip:255311 Website:www.sdjiahe.net
Keywords:Refractory silica brick clay bricks | castables | silicon carbide |
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